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The Greater Sacramento-Davis EFT Center
Find the Gold in Relationship
Our mission is to link individuals, couples and families to excellent EFT services and provide a forum for the professionals who serve them to be connected and grow together.
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JOINProviding EFT trainings and support for couples and therapists.
Member Directory
The providers listed in our Member Directory can help you through their use of Emotionally Focused Therapy.
New From Sue Johnson
Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals, Couples, and Families
Drawing on cutting-edge research on adult attachment, Dr. Sue Johns argues that psychotherapy is most effective when it focuses on the healing power of emotional connection.
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Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy helps strengthen and heal couple and family relationships.
Is your marriage in trouble?
Dr. Sue Johnson talks about how you can tell if your marriage is in trouble.
Love Sense: From Infant to Adult
Two experts in bonding look at key responses in love relationships.
Click the following link to read a recent article written by Dr. Sue Johnson that was featured in Psychotherapy Networker: The Best Love Story Ever

Founded in 1998 by Dr. Sue Johnson and her colleagues in Ottawa, Canada, the Centre offers educational courses, training and certification to mental health professionals.